Medical vs. Recreational Cannabis

Some History

In 1973, cannabis became popular among young, middle-class whites in Oregon. Due to the rising rate of marijuana consumption, Oregon was the first state to decriminalize the possession of cannabis. Medicinal cannabis was legalized in Oregon in 1998 with the passage of Measure 67. In 2010 Measure 74 established a system to provide access to medical cannabis for medical purposes for patients through licensed and regulated non-profit dispensaries.

In 2014, with the passing of Measure 91 in Oregon, cannabis became legal to purchase and consume recreationally by all adults over the age of 21. With the passage of Measure 91 came a clear distinction between medical and recreational marijuana in Oregon. Here’s a look at what you can buy as a recreational user, or as a medical patient.

What is Medical Cannabis Use?

Consuming cannabis for medical use means it was recommended by a licensed physician for medical purposes. Cannabis contains over 100 compounds called cannabinoids that interact with the body’s own endocannabinoid system, which can provide medical benefits.

Unlike recreational cannabis, patients who are 18 years or older can purchase medical marijuana if they have a qualifying medical condition and have been approved for a medical marijuana card. This includes cancer, HIV, PTSD, severe pain, seizures, and more.

What is Recreational Cannabis Use?

When people hear the word “weed”, they typically think of recreational use. Recreational cannabis consumption is intended to alter the user’s state of mind and deliver a sense of euphoria.

However, this should not be confused with cannabis use for anxiety or depression. A recreational user seeks cannabis for enjoyment rather than health purposes.

Recreational Cannabis

The purchase limits of recreational cannabis are:

  • Two ounces of usable marijuana;
  • 16 ounces of a cannabinoid product in solid form;
  • 72 fluid ounces of a cannabinoid product in liquid form;
  • 10 grams of cannabinoid extracts or concentrates;
  • 10 grams of cannabinoid products intended for inhalation;
  • Four immature marijuana plants; and
  • 10 marijuana seeds.

The personal possession limits of recreational cannabis are:

  • 1 ounce of cannabis when in public
  • 8 ounces of marijuana in your home
  • 16 ounces of edibles
  • 72 ounces (a six pack) of beverages
  • 1 ounce of cannabis extract or concentrate, such as shatter, keif, or vaporizer cartridges
  • 4 immature marijuana plants
  • 10 marijuana seeds

Medical Cannabis

  • 24 ounces of dried cannabis flower (that’s right… you can buy 1.5 pounds of weed!)
  • 16 ounces of edibles
  • 72 ounces (a six pack) of beverages
  • 16 ounces of a cannabis concentrate, such as hash or keif
  • 1 ounce of a cannabis extract, such as shatter or a vaporizer cartridge
  • 4 immature marijuana plants
  • 50 marijuana seeds

Potency of Medical Cannabis vs Recreational Marijuana

Medical cannabis has different levels of cannabinoids than recreational cannabis. This is due to the fact that the ratio of CBD to THC will have an impact on the therapeutic vs psychoactive effects.

CBD doesn’t have an intoxicating effect and delivers more medical benefits. Therefore, medical marijuana often contains a higher concentration of CBD than THC, addressing more of the symptoms rather than getting the user high.

When we are talking about medical vs recreational cannabis, the biggest difference is the intended use and the laws governing its use and possession.

At Substance Cannabis Market, we provide safe access to medical and recreational cannabis in a variety of forms. Choose a location (Empire, Division, S. Highway 97, Springfield or Cottage Grove, and Medford) closest to you, and order online today!

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